
Module Contents#



A HiPSCat Catalog used to contain the 'margin' of another HiPSCat catalog.

class MarginCatalog(catalog_info: CatalogInfoClass, pixels: hipscat.catalog.healpix_dataset.healpix_dataset.PixelInputTypes, catalog_path: str = None, moc: mocpy.MOC | None = None, storage_options: dict | None = None)[source]#

Bases: hipscat.catalog.healpix_dataset.healpix_dataset.HealpixDataset

A HiPSCat Catalog used to contain the ‘margin’ of another HiPSCat catalog.

Catalogs of this type are used alongside a primary catalog, and contains the margin points for each HEALPix pixel - any points that are within a certain distance from the HEALPix pixel boundary. This is used to ensure spatial operations such as crossmatching can be performed efficiently while maintaining accuracy.

CatalogInfoClass: typing_extensions.TypeAlias[source]#
catalog_info: MarginCatalog.CatalogInfoClass[source]#