
Container class to hold catalog metadata and partition iteration

Module Contents#



A HiPSCat Catalog with data stored in a HEALPix Hive partitioned structure

class Catalog(catalog_info: CatalogInfoClass, pixels: hipscat.catalog.healpix_dataset.healpix_dataset.PixelInputTypes, catalog_path: str = None, moc: mocpy.MOC | None = None, storage_options: Dict[Any, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: hipscat.catalog.healpix_dataset.healpix_dataset.HealpixDataset

A HiPSCat Catalog with data stored in a HEALPix Hive partitioned structure

Catalogs of this type are partitioned spatially, contain partition_info metadata specifying the pixels in Catalog, and on disk conform to the parquet partitioning structure Norder=/Dir=/Npix=.parquet

CatalogInfoClass: typing_extensions.TypeAlias[source]#
catalog_info: Catalog.CatalogInfoClass[source]#
filter_by_cone(ra: float, dec: float, radius_arcsec: float) Catalog[source]#

Filter the pixels in the catalog to only include the pixels that overlap with a cone

  • ra (float) – Right Ascension of the center of the cone in degrees

  • dec (float) – Declination of the center of the cone in degrees

  • radius_arcsec (float) – Radius of the cone in arcseconds


A new catalog with only the pixels that overlap with the specified cone

filter_by_box(ra: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, dec: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) Catalog[source]#

Filter the pixels in the catalog to only include the pixels that overlap with a right ascension or declination range. In case both ranges are provided, filtering is performed using a polygon.

  • ra (Tuple[float, float]) – Right ascension range, in degrees

  • dec (Tuple[float, float]) – Declination range, in degrees


A new catalog with only the pixels that overlap with the specified region

filter_by_polygon(vertices: List[hipscat.pixel_math.polygon_filter.SphericalCoordinates] | List[hipscat.pixel_math.polygon_filter.CartesianCoordinates]) Catalog[source]#

Filter the pixels in the catalog to only include the pixels that overlap with a polygonal sky region.


vertices (List[SphericalCoordinates] | List[CartesianCoordinates]) – The vertices of the polygon to filter points with, in lists of (ra,dec) or (x,y,z) points on the unit sphere.


A new catalog with only the pixels that overlap with the specified polygon.

generate_negative_tree_pixels() List[hipscat.pixel_math.HealpixPixel][source]#

Get the leaf nodes at each healpix order that have zero catalog data.

For example, if an example catalog only had data points in pixel 0 at order 0, then this method would return order 0’s pixels 1 through 11. Used for getting full coverage on margin caches.


List of HealpixPixels representing the ‘negative tree’ for the catalog.