
Module Contents#



An index into HiPSCat Catalog for enabling fast lookups on non-spatial values.

class IndexCatalog(catalog_info: CatalogInfoClass, catalog_path=None, storage_options: Dict[Any, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: hipscat.catalog.dataset.Dataset

An index into HiPSCat Catalog for enabling fast lookups on non-spatial values.

Note that this is not a true “HiPScat Catalog”, as it is not partitioned spatially.

CatalogInfoClass: typing_extensions.TypeAlias[source]#
catalog_info: IndexCatalog.CatalogInfoClass[source]#
loc_partitions(ids) List[hipscat.pixel_math.HealpixPixel][source]#

Find the set of partitions in the primary catalog for the ids provided.


ids – the values of the indexing column (e.g. 87,543)


partitions of leaf parquet files in the primary catalog that may contain rows for the id values