Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow.dataset as pds
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import yaml
from pyarrow.dataset import Dataset

from import FilePointer, get_fs, strip_leading_slash_for_pyarrow

[docs] def make_directory( file_pointer: FilePointer, exist_ok: bool = False, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ): """Make a directory at a given file pointer Will raise an error if a directory already exists, unless `exist_ok` is True in which case any existing directories will be left unmodified Args: file_pointer: location in file system to make directory exist_ok: Default False. If false will raise error if directory exists. If true existing directories will be ignored and not modified storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Raises: OSError """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) file_system.makedirs(file_pointer, exist_ok=exist_ok)
[docs] def remove_directory( file_pointer: FilePointer, ignore_errors=False, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ): """Remove a directory, and all contents, recursively. Args: file_pointer: directory in file system to remove ignore_errors: if True errors resulting from failed removals will be ignored storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options) if ignore_errors: try: file_system.rm(file_pointer, recursive=True) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # fsspec doesn't have a "ignore_errors" field in the rm method pass else: file_system.rm(file_pointer, recursive=True)
[docs] def write_string_to_file( file_pointer: FilePointer, string: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, ): """Write a string to a text file Args: file_pointer: file location to write file to string: string to write to file encoding: Default: 'utf-8', encoding method to write to file with storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options) with, "w", encoding=encoding) as _file: _file.write(string)
[docs] def load_text_file( file_pointer: FilePointer, encoding: str = "utf-8", storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ): """Load a text file content to a list of strings. Args: file_pointer: location of file to read encoding: string encoding method used by the file storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Returns: text contents of file. """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options) with, "r", encoding=encoding) as _text_file: text_file = _text_file.readlines() return text_file
[docs] def load_json_file( file_pointer: FilePointer, encoding: str = "utf-8", storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ) -> dict: """Load a json file to a dictionary Args: file_pointer: location of file to read encoding: string encoding method used by the file storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Returns: dictionary of key value pairs loaded from the JSON file """ json_dict = None file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options) with, "r", encoding=encoding) as json_file: json_dict = json.load(json_file) return json_dict
[docs] def load_csv_to_pandas( file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Load a csv file to a pandas dataframe Args: file_pointer: location of csv file to load storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials **kwargs: arguments to pass to pandas `read_csv` loading method Returns: pandas dataframe loaded from CSV """ return pd.read_csv(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_parquet_to_pandas( file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Load a parquet file to a pandas dataframe Args: file_pointer: location of parquet file to load storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials **kwargs: arguments to pass to pandas `read_parquet` loading method Returns: pandas dataframe loaded from parquet """ return pd.read_parquet(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_dataframe_to_csv( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs, ): """Write a pandas DataFrame to a CSV file Args: dataframe: DataFrame to write file_pointer: location of file to write to storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials **kwargs: args to pass to pandas `to_csv` method """ output = dataframe.to_csv(**kwargs) write_string_to_file(file_pointer, output, storage_options=storage_options)
[docs] def write_dataframe_to_parquet( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, file_pointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ): """Write a pandas DataFrame to a parquet file Args: dataframe: DataFrame to write file_pointer: location of file to write to storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ dataframe.to_parquet(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options)
[docs] def read_parquet_metadata( file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs ) -> pq.FileMetaData: """Read FileMetaData from footer of a single Parquet file. Args: file_pointer: location of file to read metadata from storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials **kwargs: additional arguments to be passed to pyarrow.parquet.read_metadata """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer=file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) file_pointer = strip_leading_slash_for_pyarrow(file_pointer, protocol=file_system.protocol) parquet_file = pq.read_metadata(file_pointer, filesystem=file_system, **kwargs) return parquet_file
[docs] def read_parquet_dataset( dir_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple(FilePointer, Dataset): """Read parquet dataset from directory pointer. Note that pyarrow.dataset reads require that directory pointers don't contain a leading slash, and the protocol prefix may additionally be removed. As such, we also return the directory path that is formatted for pyarrow ingestion for follow-up. Args: dir_pointer: location of file to read metadata from storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Returns: Tuple containing a path to the dataset (that is formatted for pyarrow ingestion) and the dataset read from disk. """ file_system, dir_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer=dir_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) # pyarrow.dataset requires the pointer not lead with a slash dir_pointer = strip_leading_slash_for_pyarrow(dir_pointer, file_system.protocol) dataset = pds.dataset( dir_pointer, filesystem=file_system, format="parquet", **kwargs, ) return (dir_pointer, dataset)
[docs] def read_parquet_file(file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None): """Read parquet file from file pointer. Args: file_pointer: location of file to read metadata from storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) return pq.ParquetFile(file_pointer, filesystem=file_system)
[docs] def write_parquet_metadata( schema: Any, file_pointer: FilePointer, metadata_collector: list | None = None, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs, ): """Write a metadata only parquet file from a schema Args: schema: schema to be written file_pointer: location of file to be written to metadata_collector: where to collect metadata information storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials **kwargs: additional arguments to be passed to pyarrow.parquet.write_metadata """ file_system, file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer=file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) file_pointer = strip_leading_slash_for_pyarrow(file_pointer, protocol=file_system.protocol) pq.write_metadata( schema, file_pointer, metadata_collector=metadata_collector, filesystem=file_system, **kwargs )
[docs] def read_fits_image(map_file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None): """Read the object spatial distribution information from a healpix FITS file. Args: file_pointer: location of file to be written storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Returns: one-dimensional numpy array of long integers where the value at each index corresponds to the number of objects found at the healpix pixel. """ file_system, map_file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer=map_file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as _tmp_file: with, "rb") as _map_file: map_data = _tmp_file.write(map_data) map_fits_image = hp.read_map( return map_fits_image
[docs] def write_fits_image( histogram: np.ndarray, map_file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ): """Write the object spatial distribution information to a healpix FITS file. Args: histogram (:obj:`np.ndarray`): one-dimensional numpy array of long integers where the value at each index corresponds to the number of objects found at the healpix pixel. file_pointer: location of file to be written storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ file_system, map_file_pointer = get_fs(file_pointer=map_file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as _tmp_file: with, "wb") as _map_file: hp.write_map(, histogram, overwrite=True, dtype=np.int64) _map_file.write(
[docs] def read_yaml(file_handle: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None): """Reads yaml file from filesystem. Args: file_handle: location of yaml file storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials """ file_system, file_handle = get_fs(file_pointer=file_handle, storage_options=storage_options) with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _file: metadata = yaml.safe_load(_file) return metadata
[docs] def delete_file(file_handle: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None): """Deletes file from filesystem. Args: file_handle: location of file pointer storage_options: dictionary that contains filesystem credentials """ file_system, file_handle = get_fs(file_pointer=file_handle, storage_options=storage_options) file_system.rm(file_handle)
[docs] def read_parquet_file_to_pandas( file_pointer: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reads a parquet file to a pandas DataFrame Args: file_pointer (FilePointer): File Pointer to a parquet file **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to pandas read_parquet method Returns: Pandas DataFrame with the data from the parquet file """ return pd.read_parquet(file_pointer, storage_options=storage_options, **kwargs)