Source code for hipscat.inspection.almanac_info

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import yaml
from typing_extensions import Self

from hipscat.catalog.dataset import catalog_info_factory
from hipscat.catalog.dataset.base_catalog_info import BaseCatalogInfo
from import file_io

[docs] class AlmanacInfo: """Container for parsed almanac information."""
[docs] file_path: str = ""
[docs] storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] namespace: str = ""
[docs] catalog_path: str = ""
[docs] catalog_name: str = ""
[docs] catalog_type: str = ""
[docs] primary: str | None = None
[docs] join: str | None = None
[docs] sources: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] objects: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] margins: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] associations: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] associations_right: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] indexes: List[Self] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] creators: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] description: str = ""
[docs] version: str = ""
[docs] deprecated: str = ""
[docs] catalog_info: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] catalog_info_object: BaseCatalogInfo | None = None
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if len(self.catalog_info): self.catalog_info_object = catalog_info_factory.create_catalog_info(self.catalog_info) if self.catalog_info and "primary_catalog" in self.catalog_info and not self.primary: self.primary = self.catalog_info["primary_catalog"] if self.catalog_info and "join_catalog" in self.catalog_info and not self.join: self.join = self.catalog_info["join_catalog"] ## Allows use of $HIPSCAT_DEFAULT_DIR in paths self.catalog_path = os.path.expandvars(self.catalog_path)
[docs] def get_default_dir() -> str: """Fetch the default directory for environment variables. This is set via the environment variable: HIPSCAT_ALMANAC_DIR To set this in a linux-like environment, use a command like:: export HIPSCAT_ALMANAC_DIR=/data/path/to/almanacs This will also attempt to expand any environment variables WITHIN the default directory environment variable. This can be useful in cases where:: $HIPSCAT_ALMANAC_DIR=$HIPSCAT_DEFAULT_DIR/almanacs/ """ default_dir = os.environ.get("HIPSCAT_ALMANAC_DIR", "") if default_dir: default_dir = os.path.expandvars(default_dir) return default_dir
[docs] def from_catalog_dir( cls, catalog_base_dir: str, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ) -> Self: """Create almanac information from the catalog information found at the target directory""" catalog_info = catalog_info_factory.from_catalog_dir( catalog_base_dir=file_io.get_file_pointer_from_path(catalog_base_dir), storage_options=storage_options, ) args = { "catalog_path": catalog_base_dir, "catalog_name": catalog_info.catalog_name, "catalog_type": catalog_info.catalog_type, "catalog_info_object": catalog_info, "catalog_info": dataclasses.asdict(catalog_info), } return cls(**args)
[docs] def from_file(cls, file: str, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None) -> Self: """Create almanac information from an almanac file.""" _, fmt = os.path.splitext(file) if fmt != ".yml": raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file format {fmt}") metadata = file_io.file_io.read_yaml(file, storage_options=storage_options) return cls(**metadata)
[docs] def write_to_file( self, directory=None, default_dir=True, fmt="yml", storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None, ): """Write the almanac to an almanac file""" if default_dir and directory: raise ValueError("Use only one of dir and default_dir") if default_dir: directory = AlmanacInfo.get_default_dir() file_path = file_io.append_paths_to_pointer( file_io.get_file_pointer_from_path(directory), f"{self.catalog_name}.{fmt}" ) if file_io.does_file_or_directory_exist(file_path, storage_options=storage_options): raise ValueError(f"File already exists at path {str(file_path)}") args = { "catalog_path": self.catalog_path, "catalog_name": self.catalog_name, "catalog_type": self.catalog_type, "creators": self.creators, "description": self.description, "catalog_info": self.catalog_info, } if self.primary: args["primary"] = self.primary if self.join: args["join"] = self.join if self.version: args["version"] = self.version if self.deprecated: args["deprecated"] = self.deprecated if fmt == "yml": encoded_string = yaml.dump(args, sort_keys=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file format {fmt}") file_io.write_string_to_file(file_path, encoded_string, storage_options=storage_options)