Source code for hipscat.catalog.dataset.base_catalog_info

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

from typing_extensions import Self

from hipscat.catalog.catalog_type import CatalogType
from import FilePointer, file_io

[docs] class BaseCatalogInfo: """Container class for catalog metadata"""
[docs] catalog_name: str = ""
[docs] catalog_type: CatalogType | None = None
[docs] total_rows: int | None = None
[docs] DEFAULT_TYPE = None
"""The default catalog type for this catalog info type. To be overridden by subclasses. If specified, we will use this value when no catalog_type is provided."""
[docs] REQUIRED_TYPE = None
"""The required catalog type for this catalog info type. To be overridden by subclasses. If specified, the catalog MUST have this type."""
[docs] required_fields = ["catalog_type"]
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if not self.catalog_type and self.DEFAULT_TYPE: self.catalog_type = self.DEFAULT_TYPE elif self.REQUIRED_TYPE and self.catalog_type != self.REQUIRED_TYPE: raise ValueError(f"Catalog must have type {self.REQUIRED_TYPE}") self._check_required_fields() if self.catalog_type not in CatalogType.all_types(): raise ValueError(f"Unknown catalog type: {self.catalog_type}")
[docs] def __str__(self): parameters = dataclasses.asdict(self) formatted_string = "" for name, value in parameters.items(): formatted_string += f" {name} {value}\n" return formatted_string
[docs] def read_from_metadata_file( cls, catalog_info_file: FilePointer, storage_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None] = None ) -> Self: """Read catalog info from the `catalog_info.json` metadata file Args: catalog_info_file: FilePointer pointing to the `catalog_info.json` file storage_options: dictionary that contains abstract filesystem credentials Returns: A CatalogInfo object with the data from the `catalog_info.json` file """ metadata_keywords = file_io.load_json_file(catalog_info_file, storage_options=storage_options) catalog_info_keywords = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(cls): if in metadata_keywords: catalog_info_keywords[] = metadata_keywords[] return cls(**catalog_info_keywords)
[docs] def _check_required_fields(self): fields_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self) for field_name in self.required_fields: if field_name not in fields_dict or fields_dict[field_name] is None: raise ValueError(f"{field_name} is required in the Catalog Info and a value must be provided")